Mastering YOU unlimited.

Before we delve into any self-limiting beliefs let me ask you a few questions.

What is in your mind?

Are you someone who gets their energy from time alone, rather than from social stimulation?

And how do the above impact you and your business?

These may appear to be strange questions, I get that, and probably something you haven’t considered. And yet I suspect you would answer “thoughts, words, ideas”…and something like “my mind is my business, the creation, the ideas…”

Sometimes as an introvert you like to be by yourself, and sometimes we think more than we say. These traits don’t make us any stranger than extroverts. Some people find it odd to strike up a conversation with strangers or spend time in loud, crowded places where a conversation is impossible. 

Your belief system is the bases of your worldviews. Your beliefs have been grounded into facts, and in emotion and life experience, and they shape your world.

Have you ever stopped to consider if your thoughts and ideas stopped you from moving forward? Your self-limiting beliefs are stopping your business from growing to the places you really deep down want it to go. AND you’re your words stopped you so you weren’t being your best self?

Your self-limiting beliefs affect how you interpret the events in your life and they influence the way you think, feel, and behave. They create emotions, which become engrained and stop you in your tracks. Even when you don’t know that your body is doing it. When you have healthy beliefs they serve you well. Yet, the self-limiting beliefs that you hold onto can hold you back from reaching your greatest potential.

Lisa Feldman-Barrett, who wrote “How emotions are made” she talks about our brain having a body budget. All brains evolved for the purposes of regulating the body. She says “Just like companies that have a financial office for keeping track of their accounts and making sure that their overall budget is balanced, your brain manages the budget for all the accounts in your body, all the systems; keeping track of water, salt, glucose, and other resources that keep a person alive and well,”. Her research has overturned the widely held belief that emotions live in distinct parts of the brain and are universally expressed and recognised. Here is someone who is pushing our boundaries and our beliefs.

When your brain remembers, it re-creates bits from the past and combines them into what it is seeing now. This brings together your thoughts. Your brain is using your past to construct your present, and when you invest energy in the present to cultivate new experiences then that becomes the seeds for your future.

What if your brain needed to protect you in the past in some way, and it still thinks it needs to do that now? In most cases, these beliefs serve us well in the past. But at some point we didn’t need it, yet it still came. Some of these beliefs then become limiting and perhaps even damaging. AND what if, those actions stop you from your success? Unhealthy beliefs lead to unhealthy habits. And unhealthy habits produce negative outcomes that in turn reinforce your unhealthy beliefs. This vicious cycle can be not only unconscious, so you are not aware that it is happening, it also can be tough to break.

Feeling Stuck?


Life keeps throwing you curve balls, just when you think you have it all sorted?

Maybe it is YOU.

Maybe when you think it is the environment, or your neighbours fault, or your business/economy/teams fault, it not. Maybe it isn’t outside of you, in fact it could be your own self that is stopping you. Self-limiting beliefs prevent us from achieving success in our careers, our business and lives. This inability to distinguish our self-limiting beliefs from reality may lead to painful emotions, even though they are self-created.

If you have not taken time to reflect on the experiences you’ve had, and how they shaped your current beliefs, then I have a self-assessment to help.

And if you reflect often on your experiences and world view, when was the last time you did this?

I’ve then created a course so that you can triumph over your inner obstacles and crush the beliefs that are holding you back.

Find out how to remove these blocks in our online course:

Is this you…

👀 Tired of being held back by your self-limiting beliefs and want to create the life of your dreams?

😍 Willing to learn and implement how to be a more effective version of yourself?

Truly joyful, happy people know how to take control of their life. They know the freedom that letting go of stressful limiting beliefs can bring. They know how to overcome the negative repercussions of limiting beliefs so they can move toward a life of joy. 

They are FOCUSED on positive actions. They avoid getting stuck in routines that make them feel like a failure over and over. And because of this, they thrive and enjoy more options in their life.

And yet, so often when we’re worrying about being stuck in a rut, we give up because we think it’s too hard to turn things around.

Find out MORE 

Past failures have hurt us.

…negative thoughts have made it hard for us to take a chance on something different.

…we don’t understand how we’re supposed to take control of our own success.

Do you believe that you can start moving forward toward your goals again? Do you have faith that, even though you might be stuck in routines that contribute to your lack of success now, you can bring true excitement back to your life? And…do you know HOW to get past the challenges of your limiting beliefs?

Ask yourself…

😕 Am I currently stuck in a world of failure?

😕 Do I wonder if I’ll ever feel differently?

😕 Am I doing all I can to turn my situation around?

😕 Would my life be better if I knew how to overcome my limiting beliefs?

From the time we’re young, we’re implanted with false ideas about what we can – or can’t – do. We think that success is just for those born into money or having certain talents.

False ideas like these:

“You’ll never be able to make your dreams come true. That’s just what they are – dreams.”

“You’re not smart enough.”

“Others won’t like you if you’re successful.”

“Once a failure, always a failure.”

“Money is the root of all evil.”

“It’s difficult to succeed.”

It’s all a big, fat lie.

You can re-discover the freedom you deserve.  You can break through the boring routines that have kept you stuck in our pain – even the ones you are not aware of. You can figure out your new future and how to get it back.

It’s time.

It’s time to take the step towards your new future. So that you can stop whatever is standing in your way from the freedom you deserve.

You can’t let the challenges of your past stop you from moving forward.

So often we don’t know how. We’re held back by myths, emotions and routines.

But what if there were a solution?

A way to break out of our pain, understand how to leave the past in the past, know how wonderful we really are, keep the hope alive, and CONFRONT our limiting beliefs?

Now there is…

Mastering YOU – Unlimited.

Take the Power To Triumph Over Your Inner Obstacles

The step-by-step process to go from frustration to freedom, conquer the routines that keep you stuck in your circumstances, discover how to triumph over your inner obstacles, and much more!

This powerful course contains 7 lessons that lead you on a step-by-step journey to freedom. A journey of figuring out how to move past your limiting beliefs and overcome your inner obstacles to live a life of success.

A journey to the successful life you deserve.

In this life-changing course, you’ll learn:

😉 The EASY trick to stop the negative effects of your limiting beliefs

😉 How to OVERCOME the myth that success is only for the few

 😉 How to ELIMINATE negative mental and emotional programming about what you can achieve

😉 How to PREPARE yourself for a bright future

😉 Techniques to MOVE from frustration to freedom

😉 How to CRUSH your inner obstacles without adding to your stress

😉 How to CREATE your own success

😉 How to let your beliefs WORK FOR YOU

😉 STRATEGIES to take control of your beliefs

😉 And so much more!

This powerful journey could absolutely change your life.

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